We have the right touch when it comes to reputation-relevant internal and external communication.
Prevention is better than cure. We work with you to prepare your company for cases of emergency. Hidden champions, international institutions and financial service providers work with us in situations when how you communicate truly becomes key for your reputation and losing the trust of internal and external stakeholders is not an option:
With long-standing experience, we are by your side for crisis and change communication, be it around transactions, organisational changes or venturing into new business areas. From setting up crisis teams and stakeholder analyses to Q&As, media training and the development of key messages, our experts are there for you and talk to the press on behalf of your company in ad hoc cases.
With long-standing experience, we are by your side for crisis and change communication, be it around transactions, organisational changes or venturing into new business areas. From setting up crisis teams and stakeholder analyses to Q&As, media training and the development of key messages, our experts are there for you and talk to the press on behalf of your company in ad hoc cases.

The specialist for folding machines MBO was to be taken over by Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG in the course of a transaction subject to the approval of the antitrust authorities. echolot public relations advised the MBO management on internal and external communications – both strategic and operational. A detailed communications plan was implemented with a focus on the independence and continued existence of the MBO brand across all internal/external communications channels, including social media, press relations, and communications with stakeholders.
We look forward to
your message!

Your contact person
Philipp Nisster